ReVision Keeps Focus on the Future

Despite a worldwide health crisis, Dr. James Schumer, Founder of ReVision LASIK & Cataract Surgery, completes a world class renovation to enhance vision care in Central Ohio.

Take a VIRTUAL TOUR of the newly renovated ReVision Columbus practice.

Demolition began in January 2020, a year after purchasing the property at 1080 Polaris Parkway in Columbus. “ReVision was a tenant in the building since 1999”, says Schumer, “As the practice grew, we increased our rental space and eventually it made sense to purchase the property.” The busy ophthalmology practice specializing in cataract, LASIK, and corneal procedures had a vision of renovation and expansion. Shortly after the purchase, planning under the direction of ReVision Management Consultant, Jan Schumer began to transform the building into a space that would allow ReVision to nearly triple its functional footprint, double surgical capacity, and provide the most advanced vision solutions to patients. “Jan Schumer and ReVision’s Management Team were really the driving force responsible for the design and beautiful end result of this project”, says Dr. Schumer.

Renovation Continues in the Midst of the Pandemic

While Phase One of the renovation was underway, word of the Coronavirus was spreading to the United States. “Friends and colleagues in Europe reached out to tell me what was happening in those communities…it wasn’t good.” says Schumer. He continued to perform surgical procedures at ReVision while staying informed on developments of the virus. Just a few weeks later, the Ohio Department of Health issued a state-wide mandate stopping elective surgeries, including cataract and LASIK procedures, until further notice. Like many other small businesses, ReVision was forced to furlough its employees. Dr. Schumer says the toughest part was telling forty employees who rely on ReVision for a paycheck that the practice had to close.

Despite ReVision’s six-week closure, essential work of construction crews continued to move the renovation project forward. “Being in the middle of a sizable business expansion at a time when the whole world was essentially closed for business was unprecedented”, says Schumer. Despite the uncertainty, Dr. Schumer assured his team of furloughed employees – with whom he spoke to regularly via Zoom – that ReVision would reopen immediately after receiving approval from Governor DeWine. When ReVision reopened its doors on May 4, 2020, they did so with Phase 1 of the renovation complete and a spacious new Vision Clinic ready to welcome patients.

As Ohio reopened to a new world of virtual communication, mask wearing, and social distancing the practice continued to forge ahead with the renovation. Respected Ophthalmologist and Columbus native, Dr. Thomas Litzinger, joined the practice in June 2020. “ReVision has been a busy place since reopening,” Schumer says, “Dr. Litzinger joined our surgical team at the perfect time and his expertise is allowing us to provide the best vision care to more patients.”

Seeing a Bright Future for Vision Care

Although some are apprehensive about seeking medical care during a pandemic, Dr. Schumer assures patients it is safe – and important – to have procedures that enhance safety and improve quality of life. Many patients have attributed the pandemic with giving them a renewed sense of urgency to be proactive when it comes to health and wellness, with many seeking solutions to simplify their lives.

Fourteen months later and in what seems like a whole new world, ReVision LASIK & Cataract Surgery crossed the finish line in February 2021 to complete the renovation project. Dr. Schumer believes the desire to protect our vision is timeless. “That’s why I was confident – even in the midst of a pandemic – ReVision would complete this project”, says Schumer, “It allows us to provide the best vision care to patients, and more importantly it’s a long-term investment in our community.”

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