Uplifting the Unhoused


Treats 4 The Streets is a nonprofit bringing respect, friendship and a hot meal to the unhoused of Franklin County. You can find Sherrell, Founder of this dynamic nonprofit, and a team of volunteers at the Main Branch of the Columbus Metropolitan Library every week. All guests in need are welcome to partake in offerings of food and personal care items in addition to a hot meal. Additional services, such as free medical screenings, are also offered during this time periodically throughout the year.


There are no requirements or sign-ups to attend. Treats 4 The Streets continues to reach more and more guests through word of mouth and recent recognition in the press for their good work in the Columbus community. Sherrell is hopeful this ‘buzz’ will encourage more individuals and groups to donate items and hot weekly meals to serve their growing number of clientele.


ReVision Gives Back partnered with the owner of local Qdoba restaurants to provide a hot meal for the week in addition to a monetary donation and Qdoba gift cards for a future meal purchase. WATCH VIDEO for details on how to donate a meal & items.


To volunteer, become a weekly hot meal sponsor or view a wish list of needed items, visit the Treats 4 The Streets website.

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