Things You Can and Cannot Do Immediately After Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery

Cataract surgery can correct misty, cloudy, and blurry vision, and perhaps provide the best vision of your lifetime when incorporating laser and lens technology. We provide an efficient outpatient experience in ReVision’s in-house surgery center. Our surgeons provide aftercare instructions that you should follow to protect your eyes and expedite healing. Here’s an overview of the things you can and cannot do immediately after surgery:

Things You Can Do

You’ll stay in the recovery area for a brief time after surgery to ensure your vitals are stable. Our team of medical professionals will once again go over the aftercare tips and precautions that were reviewed with you prior to the procedure. These will also be sent home with you in a packet to refer to as needed. Our eye surgeons recommend the following:

  • Follow all post-operative care instructions as instructed
  • Rest
  • Wear sunglasses to combat light sensitivity

Have someone drive you home after surgery and take it easy for the first few days. If you have errands and strenuous activities, find friends and family to help so that you can focus on recovery.

In the days following your procedure, you can do many things as you feel up to it including; watching television, using your computer, and reading a book.

Things You Can’t Do

You should steer clear of anything your surgeon advises you to avoid. Avoid rubbing the operative eye and only apply the prescribed eye drops as directed. When taking a bath, avoid getting soap or shampoo near the eye. Here are other instructions:

  • Don’t drive your vehicle until restrictions are lifted by your doctor
  • Avoid overexerting yourself through heavy lifting and strenuous activities
  • Don’t wear makeup for a few days after the procedure
  • Avoid swimming pools and hot tubs for at least one week to prevent infections

Contact ReVision LASIK & Cataract Surgery if you have any questions during your recovery. Your well-being is our priority. We realize everyone heals differently and are here for you to provide professional customized assistance.

Cataract Surgery Key Takeaways

Cataract surgery is the most commonly performed surgery in the United States. It is a safe outpatient procedure that typically takes less than 30 minutes to perform. Sharing details about your lifestyle, hobbies and vision goals helps your surgeon deliver the best vision solution for your life.

Although the healing process is different for everyone, patients typically notice an improvement in vision within a few days. It is important to follow all post-operative instructions and listen as the ReVision Team provides information about what to expect after the procedure. At ReVision LASIK & Cataract Surgery, our team is here to provide education about the numerous surgical options available and help patients make the best decisions.

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